
Financed Projects

2021: EEA Mobilities – Iuliu Hatieganu Medicine and Pharmacy University of Cluj Napoca

2021: EEA Mobilities – Iuliu Hatieganu Medicine and Pharmacy University of Cluj Napoca

2022: EEA Mobilities – Sapientia University of Cluj Napoca

2022: EEA Mobilities – Sapientia University of Cluj Napoca

2022: EEA Mobilities – University of Life Sciences “KING MIHAI I” from Timisoara

2022: EEA Mobilities – University of Life Sciences “KING MIHAI I” from Timisoara

2022: EEA Mobilities – Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau

2022: EEA Mobilities – Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau

2022: EEA Mobilities – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

2022: EEA Mobilities – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

2022: EEA Mobilities – Ovidius University of Constanta

2022: EEA Mobilities – Ovidius University of Constanta

2022: EEA Mobilities – “University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi

2022: EEA Mobilities – “University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi

2019: EEA Mobilities – University “Babeș-Bolyai“ Cluj-Napoca

2019: EEA Mobilities – University “Babeș-Bolyai“ Cluj-Napoca

2020: EEA Mobilities – University of Life Sciences “KING MIHAI I” from Timisoara

2020: EEA Mobilities – University of Life Sciences “KING MIHAI I” from Timisoara

2021: EEA Mobilities – Sapientia University of Cluj Napoca

2021: EEA Mobilities – Sapientia University of Cluj Napoca



2022: EEA Mobilities – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

2022: EEA Mobilities – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

2022: EEA Mobilities – University of Bucharest

2022: EEA Mobilities – University of Bucharest

2022: EEA Mobilities – “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi

2022: EEA Mobilities – “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi

2022: EEA Mobilities – Politehnica University of Bucharest (RO)

2022: EEA Mobilities – Politehnica University of Bucharest (RO)

2022: EEA Mobilities – University of Craiova

2022: EEA Mobilities – University of Craiova

2022: EEA Mobilities – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

2022: EEA Mobilities – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

2019: EEA Mobilities – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

2019: EEA Mobilities – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

2022: EEA Mobilities – Military Technical Academy of Bucharest

2022: EEA Mobilities – Military Technical Academy of Bucharest

2020: EEA Mobilities – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

2020: EEA Mobilities – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

2020: EEA Mobilities – Military Technical Academy of Bucharest

2020: EEA Mobilities – Military Technical Academy of Bucharest

2019: EEA Mobilities – Iuliu Hatieganu Medicine and Pharmacy University of Cluj Napoca

2019: EEA Mobilities – Iuliu Hatieganu Medicine and Pharmacy University of Cluj Napoca

2019: EEA Mobilities – Politehnica University of Timisoara

2019: EEA Mobilities – Politehnica University of Timisoara

2019: EEA Mobilities – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

2019: EEA Mobilities – National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

2019: EEA Mobilities – West University of Timisoara

2019: EEA Mobilities – West University of Timisoara

2019: EEA Mobilities – “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University  of Iasi

2019: EEA Mobilities – “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi

2019: EEA Mobilities – “University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi

2019: EEA Mobilities – “University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iasi

2019: EEA Mobilities – “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia (RO)

2019: EEA Mobilities – “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia (RO)

2021: EEA Mobilities – University of Craiova

2021: EEA Mobilities – University of Craiova

2021: EEA Mobilities – University of Bucharest

2021: EEA Mobilities – University of Bucharest

2021: EEA Mobilities – Politehnica University of Bucharest

2021: EEA Mobilities – Politehnica University of Bucharest

2020: EEA Mobilities – University of Bucharest

2020: EEA Mobilities – University of Bucharest

2021: EEA Mobilities – “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University  of Iasi (RO)

2021: EEA Mobilities – “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (RO)

2021: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași

2021: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași

2021: EEA Mobilities – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

2021: EEA Mobilities – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu



2020: Training of internship skills of economic graduates

2020: Training of internship skills of economic graduates

2020: We learn from the professional experiences of the world

2020: We learn from the professional experiences of the world

2021: Facilitating/ Strengthening Quality Assurance of Workplace-Learning through the Development of Learning Outcomes’ Standardized Assessment Tools

2021: Facilitating/ Strengthening Quality Assurance of Workplace-Learning through the Development of Learning Outcomes’ Standardized Assessment Tools

2019: Unitary evaluation of learning outcomes in order to improve the quality of learning in the workplace

2019: Unitary evaluation of learning outcomes in order to improve the quality of learning in the workplace

2021:  Development of rural technological education through a European project

2021: Development of rural technological education through a European project

2021: Performing training in hospitals

2021: Performing training in hospitals



2021: Internships – passport to the labor market Copy

2021: Internships – passport to the labor market Copy

2021: Internships – passport to the labor market

2021: Internships – passport to the labor market



2021: High Quality VET internships

2021: High Quality VET internships

2021: Teachers learn from the teachers

2021: Teachers learn from the teachers

2021: VET internships at European level

2021: VET internships at European level

2021: A successful future on the labor market through European cooperation

2021: A successful future on the labor market through European cooperation

2021: We study and train together, for better internships

2021: We study and train together, for better internships

2021: Active Partnership for a Successful Career

2021: Active Partnership for a Successful Career

2021: Together for quality professional training

2021: Together for quality professional training

2021: Partnership for Internships in Tourism and Food Service

2021: Partnership for Internships in Tourism and Food Service

2021: Learning Experiences in the Technical Field at European Level

2021: Learning Experiences in the Technical Field at European Level

2021: Innovative approaches in learning the trade at work

2021: Innovative approaches in learning the trade at work

2021: Performance and Quality in Internships

2021: Performance and Quality in Internships

2021: Practical Eurostands

2021: Practical Eurostands

2021: We become specialists at work

2021: We become specialists at work

2021: Modern approaches to internships in economic education

2021: Modern approaches to internships in economic education

2021: Code to Acces Labour Market

2021: Code to Acces Labour Market

2021: Good practices for optimizing internships for the integration of car mechanics on the labor market

2021: Good practices for optimizing internships for the integration of car mechanics on the labor market

2018: EEA Mobilities – USAMV Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – USAMV Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – UMF Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – UMF Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – SNSPA București

2018: EEA Mobilities – SNSPA București

2018: EEA Mobilities – University Politehnica București

2018: EEA Mobilities – University Politehnica București

2018: EEA Mobilities – University “Babeș-Bolyai“ Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – University “Babeș-Bolyai“ Cluj-Napoca

2021: Innovative methods needed by teaching and research staff for AI data analysis and processing

2021: Innovative methods needed by teaching and research staff for AI data analysis and processing

2021: School for all, all for School!

2021: School for all, all for School!

2021: An inclusive school for us!

2021: An inclusive school for us!

2021: Strategic interuniversity cooperation to improve research abilities for Ph.D. Students for higher educational quality

2021: Strategic interuniversity cooperation to improve research abilities for Ph.D. Students for higher educational quality

2021: Bringing Real Life into Virtual Classrooms (VR-classrooms)

2021: Bringing Real Life into Virtual Classrooms (VR-classrooms)

2021: S.M.I.L.E- Schools Make Inclusion  a Living rEality

2021: S.M.I.L.E- Schools Make Inclusion a Living rEality

2021: C.R.E.E.D – Change Revives Education and Enables Democracy

2021: C.R.E.E.D – Change Revives Education and Enables Democracy

2021: Building bridges

2021: Building bridges

2021: We Unite Romania Through Education!

2021: We Unite Romania Through Education!

2021: School for all, school for everyone!

2021: School for all, school for everyone!

2021: Continuous Flow Interchange of Communication and Knowledge in Biomedical University Research

2021: Continuous Flow Interchange of Communication and Knowledge in Biomedical University Research

2020: Improving the training stages in correlation with the requirements of the European labor market

2020: Improving the training stages in correlation with the requirements of the European labor market

2020: We promote workplace learning in EU

2020: We promote workplace learning in EU

2021: European network for 3D printing of  biomimetic mechatronic systems (EMERALD) (*)

2021: European network for 3D printing of biomimetic mechatronic systems (EMERALD) (*)

2020: Increased competences through training courses for economic activity

2020: Increased competences through training courses for economic activity

2020: Norwegian internship model for the school-company partnership

2020: Norwegian internship model for the school-company partnership

2020: Mechanics for the 21st century

2020: Mechanics for the 21st century

2020: Cooperation strategy – AURORA

2020: Cooperation strategy – AURORA

2020: Digitalizarea industriei apei si a educatiei in domeniului apei – DIGIWATRO

2020: Digitalizarea industriei apei si a educatiei in domeniului apei – DIGIWATRO

2020: Innovative methods and activities for the inclusion of Roma students

2020: Innovative methods and activities for the inclusion of Roma students

2020: Succeeding together!

2020: Succeeding together!

2020: Champions of inclusion

2020: Champions of inclusion

2021: Sustainability in education for green energy specialists

2021: Sustainability in education for green energy specialists

2021: Skills for the future

2021: Skills for the future

2019: Inclusion through tolerance, play and art!

2019: Inclusion through tolerance, play and art!

2019: Together for an inclusive school

2019: Together for an inclusive school

2019: Euro tourism, Resources for VET School

2019: Euro tourism, Resources for VET School

2019: Current Training by Real Quality and Lifelong Learning Techniques

2019: Current Training by Real Quality and Lifelong Learning Techniques

2019: A chance for the future!

2019: A chance for the future!

2019: HE-RO-IS strategic cooperation in hematology

2019: HE-RO-IS strategic cooperation in hematology

2019: Neuroaesthetics Curriculum and Module

2019: Neuroaesthetics Curriculum and Module

2019: Environmental Education – OERs for Rural Citizens (EnvEdu-OERs)

2019: Environmental Education – OERs for Rural Citizens (EnvEdu-OERs)

2019: Quality internships – the premise of a good integration of students on the labor market

2019: Quality internships – the premise of a good integration of students on the labor market

2019: Dual quality education for students with disabilities

2019: Dual quality education for students with disabilities

2019: We form the future in the field of tourism and food

2019: We form the future in the field of tourism and food

2019: Improving internships in the field of car mechanics

2019: Improving internships in the field of car mechanics

2019: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea din Craiova

2019: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea din Craiova

2019: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iași

2019: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iași

2019: EEA Mobilities – UV Timișoara

2019: EEA Mobilities – UV Timișoara

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Sapientia din Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Sapientia din Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Petrol-Gaze, Ploieşti

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Petrol-Gaze, Ploieşti

2018: Teacher as a change agent for the 21st century education

2018: Teacher as a change agent for the 21st century education

2018: EEA Mobilities – UV Timișoara

2018: EEA Mobilities – UV Timișoara

2018: EEA Mobilities – UV Timișoara

2018: EEA Mobilities – UV Timișoara

2018: EEA Mobilities – University in Craiova

2018: EEA Mobilities – University in Craiova

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

2018: EEA Mobilities, Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi“, Iași

2018: EEA Mobilities, Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi“, Iași

2018: EEA Mobilities, Universitatea Tehnica in Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities, Universitatea Tehnica in Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Artă și Design Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – Universitatea Artă și Design Cluj-Napoca

2018: EEA Mobilities – University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“, Iași

2018: EEA Mobilities – University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“, Iași

2018: Local Development Curriculum Adapted to the European Context

2018: Local Development Curriculum Adapted to the European Context

2018: Promoting Inclusion and Education for Democracy

2018: Promoting Inclusion and Education for Democracy

2018: Leadership and Inclusion for Inclusive Schools

2018: Leadership and Inclusion for Inclusive Schools

2018: Cross out borders by adopting new approaches to teaching

2018: Cross out borders by adopting new approaches to teaching

2018: Computing Innovation for Technology Entrepreneurship

2018: Computing Innovation for Technology Entrepreneurship

2019: Professional Graduates For Our School

2019: Professional Graduates For Our School

2018: Mobility projects in HE – Univ. Transilvania BV

2018: Mobility projects in HE – Univ. Transilvania BV

2018: TRUE – Tolerance, rights and unity in education

2018: TRUE – Tolerance, rights and unity in education

2018: Integration of nanoscience research projects with teaching activities

2018: Integration of nanoscience research projects with teaching activities

2018: Building Inclusive and Democratic School Culture

2018: Building Inclusive and Democratic School Culture

2018: ThE SchoolS neEd ageNts of ChangE! (ESSENCE)

2018: ThE SchoolS neEd ageNts of ChangE! (ESSENCE)

2018: School prepares active citizens

2018: School prepares active citizens

2018: Together for life skills through green and inclusive education!

2018: Together for life skills through green and inclusive education!

2018: The improvement of the practical training on the Norwegian model

2018: The improvement of the practical training on the Norwegian model

2018: Social Inclusion Through Inclusive Education (So In Edu Project)

2018: Social Inclusion Through Inclusive Education (So In Edu Project)

2018: Classroom Laboratory

2018: Classroom Laboratory

2018: We open our school for all children!

2018: We open our school for all children!

2018: Education for Sustainable Development and European Citizenship

2018: Education for Sustainable Development and European Citizenship

2018: VET education at Scandinavian standards for students with disabilities in Romania (*)

2018: VET education at Scandinavian standards for students with disabilities in Romania (*)

2018: Cooperation and partnership strategy – Green Chemistry

2018: Cooperation and partnership strategy – Green Chemistry

2018: Connect the disconnections – from disparate data to insightful analysis

2018: Connect the disconnections – from disparate data to insightful analysis

2018: School of Knowledge Production and Transfer for Global Economy and Governance

2018: School of Knowledge Production and Transfer for Global Economy and Governance

2018: Democratic Together – CMBRAE

2018: Democratic Together – CMBRAE

2018: Global Digital Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Joint Curriculum and Research (MAGIC)

2018: Global Digital Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Joint Curriculum and Research (MAGIC)

2017: EEA Mobilities – „1 Decembrie 1918“ University Alba Iulia

2017: EEA Mobilities – „1 Decembrie 1918“ University Alba Iulia

2018: The Teacher as a Change Agent – CJRAE Vaslui

2018: The Teacher as a Change Agent – CJRAE Vaslui

2018: Education 4 change – CJRAE Mureș

2018: Education 4 change – CJRAE Mureș

2018: The Teacher as a Change Agent – CJRAE Alba

2018: The Teacher as a Change Agent – CJRAE Alba

2018: Educational Resources for Future Generation – CCD Bucharest (*)

2018: Educational Resources for Future Generation – CCD Bucharest (*)

2018: Training Teachers to Impact 21st Century Students – CCD Bacău

2018: Training Teachers to Impact 21st Century Students – CCD Bacău

2017: EEA Mobility Project – ASE București

2017: EEA Mobility Project – ASE București

2017: EEA Mobility project – Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara (*)

2017: EEA Mobility project – Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara (*)

2017: Mobility Project – UMF Cluj-Napoca

2017: Mobility Project – UMF Cluj-Napoca

2018: QED – Democratic Management for a Quality Educational Network – ISJ DB

2018: QED – Democratic Management for a Quality Educational Network – ISJ DB

2018: The Teacher as a Change Agent – ISJ Călărași

2018: The Teacher as a Change Agent – ISJ Călărași

2018: Enhancing Quality in Teachers’ Training – CCD Cluj

2018: Enhancing Quality in Teachers’ Training – CCD Cluj

2018: Democratic School Cultures with Teacher as a Change Agent – ISJ Olt (*)

2018: Democratic School Cultures with Teacher as a Change Agent – ISJ Olt (*)

2018: QualForm – CJRAE Iași

2018: QualForm – CJRAE Iași

2018: DID – Reshaping the School Life and Culture – CCD Bistrița

2018: DID – Reshaping the School Life and Culture – CCD Bistrița

2018: Addressing diversity in education – CJRAE Vrancea

2018: Addressing diversity in education – CJRAE Vrancea

2018: SAFE Inclusion – The School as an Agent for Educational Inclusion

2018: SAFE Inclusion – The School as an Agent for Educational Inclusion

Quality practice – a chance for integration at the workplace

Quality practice – a chance for integration at the workplace

2018: More Skillful Students Guided by VET School & Private Company in a Norwegian Experience (*)

2018: More Skillful Students Guided by VET School & Private Company in a Norwegian Experience (*)

2018: Adaptation Through Early Personal Skills Development

2018: Adaptation Through Early Personal Skills Development

2018: A Chance to Change

2018: A Chance to Change

2017: EEA Mobility Project – SNSPA, Bucharest

2017: EEA Mobility Project – SNSPA, Bucharest

2017: The EEA Mobility Project of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest

2017: The EEA Mobility Project of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest

2018: Citizenship, Human Rights, Inclusion and Leadership for Democratic Schools (CHILD) – ISJ Iași (*)

2018: Citizenship, Human Rights, Inclusion and Leadership for Democratic Schools (CHILD) – ISJ Iași (*)

2018: We Learn Together (*)

2018: We Learn Together (*)

2018: Inclusion means learning for all (*)

2018: Inclusion means learning for all (*)

2017: EEA Mobility Project – UPG Ploiești

2017: EEA Mobility Project – UPG Ploiești

2017: EEA Mobility Project – „Lucian Blaga“ University, Sibiu (*)

2017: EEA Mobility Project – „Lucian Blaga“ University, Sibiu (*)

2017: Mobility Project – Military Technical Academy

2017: Mobility Project – Military Technical Academy

2017: EEA Mobilities – UBB, Cluj-Napoca

2017: EEA Mobilities – UBB, Cluj-Napoca

2017: EEA Mobilities – „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University, Iași (*)

2017: EEA Mobilities – „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University, Iași (*)

2017: EEA Mobilities – Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iași (*)

2017: EEA Mobilities – Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iași (*)

2017: EEA Mobility Project – University of Craiova

2017: EEA Mobility Project – University of Craiova

2018: Job Qualification Through Quality Traineeships for Pupils in the Field of Mechanics (*)

2018: Job Qualification Through Quality Traineeships for Pupils in the Field of Mechanics (*)

2018: Improving Practical Stages of Pupils in the Field of Mechanics (*)

2018: Improving Practical Stages of Pupils in the Field of Mechanics (*)

2018: Sustainable business, continuous learning and diversity (SUB-FLY)

2018: Sustainable business, continuous learning and diversity (SUB-FLY)

2018: ENSURE – Educating students for developing high quality research

2018: ENSURE – Educating students for developing high quality research

2018: Let’s be schoolmates! – programme which sustains inclusive school and the pupil focused teaching in a multicultural environment

2018: Let’s be schoolmates! – programme which sustains inclusive school and the pupil focused teaching in a multicultural environment

2018: Integrated Applied Genetics Training – AppGENEdu

2018: Integrated Applied Genetics Training – AppGENEdu

2018: A Comparative and Transferable Approach to Education for Democratic Citizenship (ACTA) (*)

2018: A Comparative and Transferable Approach to Education for Democratic Citizenship (ACTA) (*)

2018: The Change Agent – ISJ Alba

2018: The Change Agent – ISJ Alba

2018: Social inclusion through equality in diversity – CJRAE Sibiu

2018: Social inclusion through equality in diversity – CJRAE Sibiu

Projects marked with (*) are recommended as good practices.

projects Financed DURING

HERE are the projects financed during the previous financing exercises.



ANPCDEFP, Splaiul Independenței, nr. 313,
Biblioteca Centrală a Universității "Politehnica" București,
etajul 1, Sector 6, 060042, București, România

The written, audio and video materials, including photographs on this website do not represent the position of the National Focal Point (the Ministry of European Funds) or of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office. The previously mentioned institutions cannot be held responsible for their further usage. Any use of the written, audio and video materials, including photographs will specify the source: EEA4EDU.RO.

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