2021: C.R.E.E.D – Change Revives Education and Enables Democracy

Project Promoter: Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Cluj

Project Code: 2021-EY-PMIP-0010

Partner: Newschool AS, Oslo, Norway

 ISJ Cluj had main objectives of supporting and counseling schools to increase the quality of education, promote inclusion and diversity, create an appropriate educational environment for everyone, and provide unconditional access to education. With this project, the intention was to contribute to an increase in the quality of the educational process in the schools in Cluj county by training 10 inspectors from ISJ Cluj in an experienced institution in Norway.

GO: – to improve and increase the quality of the educational process in Cluj county by training 10 inspectors from the School Inspectorate to develop competences in the field of inclusion and democracy and to acquire innovative, modern, and efficient student-centered teaching techniques and strategies.

O1- Developed skills on streamlining the process of social inclusion and democracy for students, for a number of 10 school inspectors of ISJ Cluj, by participating in a training course in Norway.

O2- Elaborated a training curriculum containing samples of good educational practices based on innovative, interactive, and collaborative teaching methods, techniques, and approaches meant to promote student-centered education, cooperation, teamwork, mutual respect and support, inclusive environments, and European values of democracy and multiculturality.

O3- Elaborated a training course frame for teachers, on the topic of teaching Social Inclusion and democracy through transdisciplinary projects, based on PBL (project-based learning).

O4- Trained a number of 250 teachers by participating in the training sessions and in the authorized course in a period of 2 years from the authorization of the course, as a measure of project sustainability.

Impact: 10 school inspectors trained developed competences in innovative and modern teaching approaches and in the areas of inclusion and democracy, transferred through local activities and the results of the project to the teaching community in Cluj county on a medium and long term.