General Informations
Programme Operator
The National Agency for Community Programmes in the Field of Education and Vocational Training (the Agency, the NA) is a public institution subordinated to the Ministry of National Education set up in 2005 by a Government Decision.
In 2007, the Agency became the implementation institution for the European Union’s programmes: Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), Youth in Action (YiA) and Erasmus Mundus, for 2007 – 2013. There were also added to the NA the Europass National Centre, Eurydice National Unit and the Eurodesk Network.
In 2013, the NA has been designated as the implementing agency for the Erasmus+ Programme for 2014-2020 and has become the Operator for the Scholarships and Inter-institutional Cooperation Programme in the field of higher education, financed by the 2009-2014 EEA Financial Mechanism.
In 2016, the NA has been designated as the Operator for the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme, financed by the 2014-2021 EEA Financial Mechanism.
“Transforming the Romanian area by learning is a brave endeavour of our institution, which requires efficient instruments and significant support.
We are convinced that all these programmes will generate notable and transparent structural and institutional changes in the Romanian educational system and even beyond, in the social and economic sectors.
We are confident that the transfer of innovation and good practices will continue to expand the continuous interaction between institutions from various countries. Hopefully, it will be confirmed in time by a structural change of mentalities in approaching education in all of its aspects.”
Monica Calota, director
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ANPCDEFP, Splaiul Independenței, nr. 313,
Biblioteca Centrală a Universității "Politehnica" București,
etajul 1, Sector 6, 060042, București, România
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