report complaints
Formal and eligibility check complaints – Applicants rejected as a result of the administrative and eligibility check can appeal the decision, with arguments, in up to 5 working days from the publication of results; the appeal will be send electronically to using the specific form.
The appeal is analysed in two stages: the Programme Operator (PO) is the first instance analysing the appeal and if the appeal is rejected, the National Focal Point (NFP) is the second instance where the appeal is sent by email to:
If the NFP also rejects the appeal, the decision to reject the application is deemed final.
If the appeal is accepted by one of the two instances then the application is deemed approved and passed on to the qualitative assessment. The applicant filing the appeal will be notified by email in maximum 15 working days from the receipt of the appeal.
Qualitative assessment complaints – rejected applicants can appeal, with arguments, in maximum 5 working days from the publication of results. The appeal will be send electronically to using the specific form.
The appeal is analysed in two stages: PO is the first instance analysing the appeal and, if the appeal is rejected, NFP is the second instance where the appeal is sent by email to: During the analysis of the appeal, the conformity and regularity of the qualitative assessment process (conformity to internal assessment procedures) will be reviewed. The PO and the NFP will not redo the qualitative assessment and will not give a different score to the application.
If the NFP also rejects the appeal, the rejection decision is deemed final. The applicant filing the appeal will be notified by email in maximum 15 working days from the receipt of the appeal.
The Donor States and the ANPCDEFP have a zero-tolerance policy on corruption and mismanagement in the EEA Grants and their implementation are founded on the principles of openness, transparency and accountability.
Complaints and allerts on mismanagement of funds, motivated and accompanied by detail information, are sent to the PO by email: The PO will proceed according to its internal procedure and will ensure the confidentiality of the information submitted and the anonymity of the complainant. Complaints may be sent to the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) to one of the addresses on: Alert Mismanagement of Funds.
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ANPCDEFP, Splaiul Independenței, nr. 313,
Biblioteca Centrală a Universității "Politehnica" București,
etajul 1, Sector 6, 060042, București, România
The written, audio and video materials, including photographs on this website do not represent the position of the National Focal Point (the Ministry of European Funds) or of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office. The previously mentioned institutions cannot be held responsible for their further usage. Any use of the written, audio and video materials, including photographs will specify the source: EEA4EDU.RO.
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