2018: School of Knowledge Production and Transfer for Global Economy and Governance

Project Promoter: Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative, București
Project Code: 18-COP-0032
The SMEs are facing difficulties in proceeding the transfer of the research results in practice and they are looking for training programs for their employees or for already educated candidates. We consider that a position of promoter of knowledge transfer is a real need identified for the Romanian SMEs.The cooperation between the partners aims to build up professional tools in order to better connect the education with the world of work for new positions. The training modules that we are developing within the project are increasing the employability of the students on the world of work by acquiring additional qualifications.
Objective 1 – create additional two training modules on knowledge production and transfer (KPT) aiming to increase the employability of youth (especially female, Roma) in the field of higher education and in SMEs testable in 24 months
Objective 2 – explore the future coordinates of the ecosystem education-world of work in knowledge production and transfer (E-WW KPT) and reveal the most important factors to facilitate a better integration of the targeted groups in two studies in 15 months
Objective 3 – improve the educational offer of the universities in socio-economic science with additional modules aimed to personalized the education for special demand in the world of work, to be included in partners education offer for 2021-2022
Objective 4 – create a mixt working group of 20 to improve cooperation between universities and stakeholders from knowledge production and transfer sector with the aim to better address their needs by the end of the project
The results of the projects consist in 2 studies of the main components of the ecosystem E-WW KPT foresight, profile, barriers and 2 training modules curriculum design: (1) Advanced Techniques for Knowledge Production ATKP and (2) Knowledge Transfer for SMEs KT4SMEs.
Project Partner: Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland