2020: Succeeding together!

Jul 12, 2023 | 0 comments

Promotorul proiectului: Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Botoșani

Codul proiectului: 2020-EY-PICR-0002

Școli implicate în consorțiu: Școala Gimnazială „Ștefan cel Mare” Dorohoi – Liceul „Ștefan D. Luchian” Ștefănești – Școala Gimnazială „Nicolae Călinescu” Coșula – Școala Gimnazială nr. 2 Botoșani – Școala Gimnazială nr. 1 Albești

The “We succeed together!” project brings together a consortium formed by CJRAE BT (Botoșani County Center for Educational Resources and Assistance), as coordinator, and the following partner schools: “Ștefan cel Mare” Dorohoi Secondary School, “Ștefan D. Luchian” High School ” Ștefănești, High School No. 1 Albești, High School No. 2 Botoșani, all from Botoșani county.
The aim of the project is to increase the institutional capacity of schools to ensure effective inclusion of the over 20% Roma children by addressing the identified problems: high student absenteeism and poor results in national assessments; non-involvement of parents in the education of their own children, non-adaptation of the didactic approach to the requirements of the multicultural student group.
Pursued objectives:
Acquisition and development of key skills to facilitate the social inclusion of Roma students;
Provision of information and counseling services for Roma and non-Roma parents to understand the importance of education in child development;
Improving relational skills in a multicultural environment by training social sustainability skills.
Through the participation of 66 teaching staff in 3 training courses as well as in the implemented activities, the participation of 72 parents in 4 types of awareness activities regarding discrimination and of 255 Roma and non-Roma students in 5 extracurricular activities and 1 extracurricular activity the students’ social skills were developed, the parents’ attitude towards the school was improved, the teaching methods were diversified. Thus, the ability of schools to ensure the inclusion of Roma children has increased by addressing concrete measures to support Roma children.
The added value of the project was given by a very interactive study environment, the implementation of strategies being low-cost, social inclusiveness, flexibility and sustainability.
