2017: EEA Mobility Project – SNSPA, Bucharest

Project Promoter: National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, SNSPA, Bucharest
Project Code: EY-MPO-0074
SNSPA has always been interested in implementing its internationalization strategy and therefore encouraged more and more mobility projects. Once this EEA grants opportunity presented itself it was emphasized as a real chance to further increase the number of study and placement mobilities with partner countries that can only enhance the level of knowledge of those benefiting from the EEA grants. Our partner is University of South-Eastern Norway, which proved to be a reliable and strategic partner for our common mission.
New and improved content of courses, full recognition of the study periods in Norway will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and expertise between partners.
The most important achievement is that the students from our university have the chance to study and to participate in different research projects in a different HE system. Professors have the chance of sharing their knowledge and best practices, which, in the end opened new dissemination opportunities, through conferences participations and articles. For students: improved learning performance; enhanced employability and improved career opportunities; increased self-empowerment/self-esteem; improved foreign language competences; enhanced intercultural awareness etc.
For staff: improved competence linked to their professional profiles; broader understanding of practices, policies and systems pertaining to education, training or youth across countries; better quality of their work and activities etc.
Direct beneficiaries: students and academic staff.
Both partners will respect the principles of the EEA Grants guidelines and ensure the selection of students and staff, will monitor and assess the mobilities and provide logistic support.
The better the synergy between the fields of study and research of both universities the more mobilities shall be able to be undergone for students at all study levels, and for educators and staff searching to improve their competences and share their experience.