2021: Bringing Real Life into Virtual Classrooms (VR-classrooms)

Project Promoter: Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara
Project Code: 21-COP-0004
Partner: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
The VR-classrooms project addressed the challenges faced by the Romanian HEIs, where all the learning and academic activities were delivered exclusively online, continuously for two academic years. Tackling these specific challenges of students and teachers having to perform in a digital educational environment without having good knowledge, the capacity, and prior practice of using their digital skills for educational purposes, the VR-classrooms project aimed at developing innovative practical solutions for learning in virtual classrooms.
- Objective 1. Enhanced the quality of education in the digital era for HEIs
- Objective 2. Strengthened the cooperation between education and the world of work
- Objective 3. Increased the learning and teaching mobility between HEIs
Target groups: students, teachers, researchers, the world of work
Transnational learning activities for UVT and NTNU students, co-teaching, and organized by the partner universities:
- C1 International Summer School in Social Anthropology
C2 UVT-NTNU Joint Course
Multiplier event: International Conference “Challenges and Benefits of Learning and Teaching in Virtual Classrooms”
Results (intellectual outputs of the project):
Documentary study about the Learning Outcomes Assessment in Virtual Classrooms, published in the volumes:
- Dincă M (Ed.), 2022. Learning Outcomes’ Assessment in Virtual Classrooms, Presa Universitară Clujeană, http://www.editura.ubbcluj.ro/bd/ebooks/pdf/3341.pdf
- Crașovan M (Ed.), 2022. Curricular Package Design for Transversal Competencies Development in Virtual Classrooms, Presa Universitară Clujeană, http://www.editura.ubbcluj.ro/bd/ebooks/pdf/3342.pdf
Further, the project team elaborated the empirical research Reflective Learning in Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Virtual Classrooms, publishing its results in a Research Report and in two articles submitted to peer-reviewed journals by the end of the project implementation period.