2020: Innovative methods and activities for the inclusion of Roma students
![2020-EY-PICR-0003_2 – SANDA RAȚIU](https://www.eea4edu.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/2020-EY-PICR-0003_2-SANDA-RATIU.jpeg)
Project Promoter: Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Satu Mare
Codul proiectului: 2020-EY-PICR-0003
Școli implicate în consorțiu: Școala Gimnazială Halmeu – Școala Gimnazială „Vasile Lucaciu” Apa – Școala Gimnazială „Aurel Haiduc” Trip – Școala Profesională „George Coșbuc” Medieșu Aurit – Liceul Tehnologic „Petru Cupcea” Supuru de Jos
The project “Innovative methods and activities for the inclusion of Roma students” aims to solve problems in terms of:
a) quality of teaching and learning processes: the competences and teaching methods of teaching staff are not correlated with modern methods and are not adapted to the needs of groups at risk;
b) the inter-relationship between teaching staff and the main educational partner, where there are no parental models regarding participation in education nor regarding social life;
c) the pedagogical methods and practices of teachers for extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
d) The school environment: educational interventions are needed in the school to ensure the school inclusion of children from disadvantaged categories;
e) The school environment – insufficient communication between the different levels of the educational system and the community in order to take over models of good practice regarding how to advise parents who do not provide children with parental models regarding participation in education.
The project started from the problems faced by teachers in the partner schools.
The main existing problems regarding the Roma population in the partner schools are those related to school dropout and failure.
The teachers working in the five educational units need training, considering the needs listed above. The identified solutions are: the training of teachers from partner schools and school inspectors, in order to create the possibility of increasing the contribution of formal and non-formal education to the personal development of new generations; to increase the capacity, the diversity of the provision of appropriate formal educational services to children/students from marginalized areas.
The teaching staff will be able to make possible the cooperation with the parents and the community, who have an essential role in the reduction, prevention of school dropout and the inclusion of Roma students.