2018: The improvement of the practical training on the Norwegian model

Project promoter: Colegiul UCECOM Spiru Haret, Bucharest

Project code: 018-EY-PCVET-R2-0001

The project was developed in partnership with Hospice Casa Sperantei.

The addressed issue was the number of hours of practical training allotted to Geriatrics and Gerontology Module. Shaping the proper attitude for the future nurses in relation to caring for elderly people has become a priority for our school.

The general objectives:

  1. To improve the partnership between the economic agent and the school;
  2. To develop the professional skills of the tutors and of the teachers of practical training who attended the project in order to ensure proper practical training for the students.

The specific objectives:

  1. To update the memorandum of understanding and the learning agreements for the students in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year in the Health area of study;
  2. To draw up a practical training notebook for students, containing the updating of the memorandum and of the learning agreements which were the results of the participation in the mobility;
  3. To update the assessment documents used in the practical training periods, using examples of good practice from the Norwegian system;
  4. To develop a CDL (a curriculum in local development) for elderly care.

6 teachers and practical training teachers from UCECOM “Spiru Haret” College, together with 3 practical training tutors from Hospice Casa Speranṭei took part in a mobility programme at Glemmen in Fredrikstad, Norway, between 25–29.11.2019. The outcomes of the project will be used at school level as follows: – planning the practical training periods based on the new documents and on the examples of good practice from Norway for students in Health area, but also for other qualifications – such as Optometrist Technician.

Project web-page (RO)