2018: Cooperation and partnership strategy – Green Chemistry

Project promoter: University of Bucharest (UB)
Codul proiectului: 18-COP-0041
Parteneri: University of Bucharest (UB)
Norwegian Technique and Science University (NTNU)
Full Title: Cooperation and partnership strategy for the enhancement of the education quality of strategic master Chemistry of Advanced Materials in line with Green Chemistry requirements – Green Chemistry of Advanced Materials
Nowadays, the general needs of academic community are the development and improvement of the current curricula by introducing new requested topics, as well as by adapting to modern teaching/learning good practices of nowadays and also by encouraging students’ mobility for a global European (international) education.
In response to the strategic needs, GreenCAM proposes an academic partnership between University of Bucharest (UB) as beneficiary coordinator and Norwegian Technique and Science University (NTNU) as donor partner focused on Chemistry of Advanced Materials (CAM) strategic master direction of Faculty of Chemistry, (UB). The project establishes an excellent opportunity of CAM students for coming in contact with fresh knowledge and also acquiring new skills from the area of Green Chemistry in the context of Advanced Materials. UB and NTNU will share the successful teaching strategies and best practices for improving student learning and also to achieve a high-quality professional development of participant teachers as well.
The impact of GreenCAM project will be monitored on the four groups identified as relevant stakeholders, e.g. enrolled students, teaching staff, potential prospective students and experts in the field (including potential employers of graduates). The transformation of CAM master direction into an international and multidisciplinary educational alternative will improve the visibility of UB at international level. Additionally, the collaboration between UB and NTNU will offer the opportunity for good practice exchange at education level. For research area, new knowledge and skills in the field of green advanced materials are expected to be generated in the framework of GreenCAM.