2018: Inclusion means learning for all (*)

Project Promoter: Fundația Noi Orizonturi

Project Code: 2018-EY-PICR-R1-0001

The project coordinated by the New Horizons Foundation will increase the institutional capacity of six rural schools in Transylvania with over 20% Roma children – Hotar, Dragu, Sânpaul, Budacu de Sus, Moşna and Alţina – to ensure learning for all. In these schools, currently, drop-out rates are high and students perform rather poorly in national evaluations. Most of the parents have very poor literacy skills and little education. Teachers are unprepared to work with children from vulnerable family backgrounds. The schools do not systematically involve community stakeholders to jointly address challenges faced in educating all the children.

We chose a 360-degree approach to inclusion working with the three microsystems that affect the child: the classroom, the school and the community. Our objectives are:

  1. to improve school leadership for inclusion and learning for all;
  2. to develop the capacity of 90 teachers to provide an inclusive learning environment for Roma children;
  3. to develop the schools’ capacity to engage parents in shared learning to fight discrimination.

The project targets teachers, Roma and non-Roma parents, Roma and non-Roma students, and the school management – school board members, parents’ committee. Overall, 360 students, 150 parents, 90 teachers, 18 school leaders will benefit from the project.

The schools will take the lead to engage community stakeholders (local authorities, organizations, companies, etc.) and parents in school-based activities to increase social inclusion. Learning activities (both lessons and extracurricular activities) will become more accessible and attractive for all students as adults become emotionally available and receptive to the children’s needs, as teachers gain confidence in using inclusive approaches capitalising on the multicultural community, and strive to increase the relevance of the curriculum to respond to the interests, concerns, and needs of Roma children and parents.

Project website


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March 11, 2020