The #OurStories Campaign

The #OurStories Campaign

We launched the first call for the current funding Mechanism through the EEA and Norway Grants in the fall of 2017. Now, 6 years later, we reflect on the over 200 projects involving hundreds of beneficiaries from all geographical areas of the country, made possible...
Results Round 2021

Results Round 2021

The results of the Round 2021 for projects addressing School Education and the Roma Component have been published. Wishing a lot of success in implementation to the teams that will soon start working on the projects they received funding for.
Two new calls

Two new calls

The last two calls for project proposals in the current phase of the program have been published. They address the pre-university field and the Roma Component. It is important to know that the list of eligible candidates for the implementation of projects aiming at...
RCIS 2020 – project results

RCIS 2020 – project results

The results – Round 2020 for the Component addressing the inclusion of Roma pupils in school were just published. Congratulations to all the applicants and a rewarding implementation process for the winners! Photo by  Cayetana Saiz  on ...
Support for applicants

Support for applicants

To support the applicants who intent to write project for the next deadlines in School Education, VET and Roma Component, we created a series of video materials. For each of the three financing lines, you will find information on how to fill in the application forms,...