2018: We Learn Together (*)

Project promoter: The County School Inspectorate Alba
Project Code: 2018-EY-PICR-R1-0006
The partnership and consortium „We learn together“ is composed of 7 public institutions: Alba County School Inspectorate (Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Alba)/coordinator and 6 partner schools: “Avram Iancu” Secundary School in Unirea, “Simion Balint” Secundary School in Rosia Montana, “Simion Lazar” Secundary School in Lunca Muresului, “Stefan cel Mare” Secundary School in Cetatea de Balta, Technological High School in Jidvei, and “Ion Micu Moldovan” Secundary School in Blaj. The partner schools are located in disadvantaged communities geographically remote, which have a low rate of economic development, endure a high percentage of unemployment and lack specific resources for education of the Roma children.
The specific objectives of the project aim at:
- Increasing professional performance in 6 schools in Alba County by training 72 teachers who work with Roma children,
- Improving educational standards and professional training in 6 schools in Alba County, by implementing 6 new curricula concerning an inclusive and multicultural environment,
- Raising the level of awareness towards anti-discrimination and inclusion, for 84 Roma and non-Roma parents and 240 Roma and non Roma students, in 6 schools in Alba County.
Project target groups are:
- 72 teachers from the partner schools, who work with Roma children
- 84 Roma and non-Roma Parents of the children from the partner schools
- 240 Roma and non-Roma students from the partner schools
The following results are expected to be achieved at the end of the project: 6 new optional curricula on school inclusion and multiculturalism will be elaborated and tested; 90% of teachers involved in the project will declare better skills regarding Roma children inclusion, 15% of the Roma students taking part into the project will not be discriminated any more by their teachers or classmates in the partner schools, and at least 90% of Roma pupils taking part in the extra-curricular activities are satisfied.
Project impact: developing institutional abilities in partner schools for an effective inclusion of Roma students, reduced school leaving and early school dropout.