2021: We become specialists at work

Project Promoter: Colegiul Economic „Gheorghe Chițu”, Craiova
Project Code: 2021-EY-PCVET-0025
Partners: Escuela Secundaria de Barcelinhos (PT) – Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade (PT) – Junta de Freguesia de Macieira de Rates (PT), UAT Șimnicu de Sus (RO)
The project “We become specialists at work” aimed to enhance the professional skills of 9 VET professionals, with the goal of improving the quality of VET education and training. These professionals developed a set of administrative tools following their participation in a best practices exchange through a study visit.
The main objective of the project was to enhance the practical training activities of students enrolled in the Administrative Technician qualification within VET domains, during their internships at national economic agencies. This was achieved through a study visit conducted by the involved stakeholders (9 participants, including 3 VET teachers, an English teacher, the institution’s director, and 4 economic agents from UAT Șimnicul de Sus, Dolj), at a VET school in Portugal, Escuela Secundaria de Barcelinhos, hosted by the receiving institution Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade.
Specific objectives of the project included:
- Developing the professional and personal skills of the 5 participating teaching staff and the 4 administrative personnel.
- Enhancing methodological, pedagogical, and educational management skills through tutoring for the 9 study visit participants.
- Acquiring competencies in training and evaluating students’ professional development for all 9 participants.
- Improving language skills in English and Portuguese within the professional context for the 9 participants.
- Strengthening national and international partnerships to foster cooperation between workplaces and schools, enhancing the attractiveness and quality of VET and establishing a European space for VET cooperation.
Project outcomes:
This project aimed to develop an educational offer compliant with national and European standards, facilitating the rapid socio-professional integration of graduates into the labor market, assuming better-prepared teaching staff. The exchange of best practices proved beneficial for our institution by introducing a set of tools into the school curriculum, developing CDLs approved at school and county levels for the economic domain, specifically the Administrative Technician qualification, Level 4. These will incorporate best practices and new tools acquired during the study visit to Portugal.
A portfolio was developed containing various tools, including the Tutoring Organization Guide for internships, 2 CDLs for the Administrative Technician specialization for the 11th and 12th grades, 2 internship journals based on information collected during the study visit, and practice notebooks for student interns specializing in Administrative Technician.
Additionally, participants created a Best Practices Guide with innovative methods learned during the study, featuring teaching strategies, interactive methods, and techniques to deliver quality VET internships, aiming to:
- Boost self-esteem.
- Encourage participation in practical activities.
- Develop skills.
- Foster teamwork.
Long-term impact is expected to include:
- Improved student behavior, motivation, and attendance.
- Reduced absenteeism and dropout rates.
- Enhanced collaboration between students and teachers, leading to increased interest and responsibility for learning among students.
- Enhanced formative assessment through a wider range of methods and tools, including innovative contributions from teaching staff or mixed teams of teachers and practice tutors.
Our goal is to become an educational institution where quality education is practiced, integrated with the social needs of the community, offering diverse educational opportunities to support equal integration for all students. We aim to prepare students to be aware of the potential of local values, enabling them to recognize, utilize, and promote them, thereby securing the future according to European standards.