2019: Quality internships – the premise of a good integration of students on the labor market

Project Promoter: Liceul Tehnologic ”Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni
Project Code: 2019-EY-PCVET-0010
Partners: Intercultural Association „Mobility friends”, Modatex – Centro de Formacao Profissional da Industria Textil, Vestuario, Confeccao E Lanificios
The main objective of the project was to improve the quality of internships carried out at the economic agent. Through this project we wanted to improve the way students organize the activity at the economic agent, to improve the quality of the documents for monitoring the students’ activity and also to improve the activity of the practice tutor and to improve the quality of his documents. The project involved teachers and tutors working with students in vocational education, an English teacher, a deputy director – responsible for the activity of IPT, 2 representatives of the economic agent where the students of the school carry out practical training and students of the vocational school – the textile and leather industry and the mechanical field. The participating teachers were selected according to selection criteria brought to the attention of teachers through a selection notice published on the project website and in the Teachers’ Council. The project envisaged local activities, a study visit to Portugal, as well as project dissemination activities. The results of the project consist in the development of new skills among teachers and students, 2 CDL qualification textile manufacturer and one for the mechanical field, 3 learning agreements, 3 observation sheets, 3 evaluation tests for the textile and leather industry , 1 guide of the practice tutor, the student’s practice book for the textile and leather industry and the mechanical field. The results of the project on the partner institutions – school and the economic agent – are materialized at the level of human resources through a better prepared teaching staff, with experience and European vision, through a management oriented and adapted to the needs of the national and European labor market, through a adaptation of the activity of the economic agent to the training needs of the students.