2018: Promoting Inclusion and Education for Democracy

Project promoter: Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Neamț
Project Code: 2018-EY-PMIP-R2-0003
Partners Newschool, Oslo – Norway, InterCultural Iceland, Reykjavik – Iceland
The need to implement this project started from the difficulties encountered at the level of the institution in providing educational support to the beneficiaries. Lack of training of teachers to address children from disadvantaged groups or at risk, poor acceptance by teachers and students of children from disadvantaged groups, conservative mentality of teachers in mainstream education, reduced offers of continuing education there are only a few identified needs that led to the need to write this project.
The main objective of the project is the need for change in schools.
The specific objectives are: to improve the psycho-educational counseling skills of the teachers in the institution, to develop the institutional capacity to solve some of the existing problems in schools and to develop a European dimension at institutional level.
The two participants in the Teacher as a change agent Course held in Oslo in December 2019 improved their skills to support the implementation of innovative practices in their own institutions by building a team of change, practiced their facilitation skills and team learning. by transforming them into agents of change into a student-centered education system.