2018: Classroom Laboratory

Project Promoter: Universitatea de Vest Timișoara
Project Code: 18-COP-0016
Partner in the Project: Norges Teknisk- Naturvitenskapelige Universitet

ClassroomLab course is a classroom where selected courses are taught, a technology-dense infrastructure for conducting experiments in teaching and an arena for collaboration between students, teachers, researchers and the world of work. The aim of the project is to design interdisciplinary modules at WUT and NTNU and relevant training schemes proposed by work organisations.


  1. Enhancing the quality of education in HEIs through exchange good practices, teaching methods and knowledge transfer
  2.  To strengthen the cooperation between education and the world of work by bringing together in the classroom HEI’s, companies, industry and NGOs which offers work integration services for vulnerable groups – Roma, persons with disabilities, migrants
  3.  To develop the educational offer, providing practical introduction to the real-life cases in which students develop transversal competencies
  4.  To increase the learning mobility and develop internationalisation

Target groups:

  • ClassroomLab joint course will be offered to the students from WUT and NTNU
  •  Professors, teachers, researchers
  •  Employers and work integration services providers for vulnerable groups

Results: During the first year of the project were developed several activities leading to a solid preparation of the ClassroomLab Joint Course implementation: Teachers, researchers and academic staff from WUT were trained by the NTNU on the specific pedagogical methods at an intensive study program and elaborated a complete ClassroomLab Reader for students and teachers from WUT and NTNU. To ensure the quality management of the joint course will be developed the Curricula of the joint course and an Impact Tool. The final preparation for the joint course will be a Demonstrative ClassroomLab and the CommTech Workshop. After the developmental stage of the first year of the project, the joint course will be implemented in a truly integrated way, thus ensuring its sustainability.
