2021: We Unite Romania Through Education!

Project Promoter: Asociația Corint Pro Educație

Project Code: 2021-EY-PICR-0003

Schools involved in the project: Şcoala Gimnazială Telești-Ludești, Școala Gimnazială nr. 1 „I.L. Caragiale“, Școala Gimnazială Glod-Moroeni, Școala Gimnazială Drăgăești-Pământeni, Școala Gimnazială „Smaranda Dumitru Roman“

The target groups of the project were 70 teachers, 75 parents and guardians, and 250 pupils from five schools in rural areas, Dambovita county, with the total percentage of Roma children exceeding 50%. The general objective of the project was to increase the degree of social inclusion in Dambovita County through educational activities addressed to children at risk in 5 schools, to their parents and guardians, and to the teachers.

The general objective was achieved through the following specific objectives:

OS1 consisted of increasing the level of teaching staff’s competences in the school units included in the project. OS1 was achieved by implementing: AI – Teacher training and education, with the following sub-activities: AII – Development of teaching materials.

OS2: Attracting and keeping children at risk into education, through non-formal activities. OS2 was achieved by implementing: AIV – Non-formal activities for pupils from partner schools. C2 and C3. Information and dissemination of project results.

OS3. Increasing the collaboration capacity of parents/guardians with the school environment, for the good of children. OS3 was achieved by implementing: AIII – Workshops for parents/guardians of pupils from partner schools.