2021: S.M.I.L.E- Schools Make Inclusion a Living rEality

Project Promoter: Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Cluj

Project Code: 2021-EY-PICR-0001

Schools involved in the project: Liceul Teoretic „Gelu Voievod“ Gilău – Școala Gimnazială Ceanu Mare – Școala Gimnazială Cojocna – Școala Gimnazială Călățele – Școala Gimnazială Luna – Școala Gimnazială Așchileu Mare 

S.M.I.L.E. – Schools Make Inclusion a Living rEality! was a complex project organized as a consortium coordinated by the School Inspectorate of Cluj County and 6 schools in the Cluj County. The partner schools had a school population belonging to the rroma nationality ranging between 20.05% and 73%, were situated in rural areas, with students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, facing a high rate of school drop, low school attendance, and difficulties of integration.

The goal was to increase the capacity of the 6 schools to develop an inclusive environment for their school population of rroma nationality by developing the necessary competences in the teachers working with these students and by implementing a series of diverse activities with systematic involvement of the families of the rroma and non-rroma students to promote acceptance and mutual respect.


O1: Developed competences in 66 teachers in our partner schools for a student-centered curricular, transcurricular, and extracurricular approach, and implemented an inclusive and multicultural learning environment.

O2: Developed social, civic, cultural, and emotional awareness in rroma and non-rroma students to facilitate social inclusion and cooperation based on acceptance and mutual respect. Involved 228 rroma and non-rroma students in both student-centered school activities and extracurricular ones meant to promote and encourage nondiscrimination and respect for human and children’s rights.

O3: Increased responsibility and active involvement of 96 rroma and non-rroma parents who developed competences related to communication and relationships based on respect and acceptance.

O4: Implemented 2 curricula and 6 sets of materials to ensure and support learning and implementing the concepts on a short, medium, and long term, which remained in each partner school and benefited from both during the project and after its end, providing project sustainability.