2019: Euro tourism, Resources for VET School

Apr 18, 2023 | 0 comments

Project Promoter: Colegiul Economic ”Virgil Madgearu”, Ploiesti

Project Code: 2019-EY-PCVET-0002

Partners: Escola Profissional do Montijo Rua Jose de Almada Negreiros, 217, Portugal;  Cofetăria Andrei Ploiești

The project “Euro tourism, Resources for VET School” has taken shape from the need for a better educational quality for VET students. Through the project, the team wishes to concretize a performant curriculum, adequate for the practice stages necessary for the students majoring as Waiter and Confectioner/Baker, 11th grade, VET school.

The project objectives are:

  1. Improved quality in professional education in VET 11th-graders majoring in Tourism and Catering, specializing as Confectioner/baker and Waiter.
  2. Promoting multilingualism and professional development of teachers through their participation.
  3. Improving cooperation between school and the job market
  4. Promoting the modernization of educational systems. During the study visit to Montijo, Portugal, 11 people took part in the mobility.

Project activities:

  1. Establishing the project organization/implementation team
  2. Communication/ Promoting the project and its objectives
  3. The selection of the participants in the study visit
  4. Completing the language preparation course in English
  5. The study visit to Montijo, Portugal.
  6. Project website/platform design activities.
  7. Design activities for the: local-decision curricula, practice workbooks, the ECVET practice convention, organizing and evaluation of the students’ contest.
  8. Project promotion and dissemination activities, study visit, project results.
  9. Activities for the equation of the 10 ECTS.
  10. Writing the intermediate report.
  11. Writing the final report.
  12. Specific activities completed by the treasurer.
  13. Informative/promotional and project dissemination activities, and of its results: intangible (skills, abilities, professional and English language communicative competences acquired by the project participating teachers); tangible (signed contracts between the foreign partner and the partner economic agent, a local-decision curriculum and a practice workbook, VET school, an ECVET practice convention, the project website/platform).
