2021: Innovative approaches in learning the trade at work

Mar 12, 2024 | 0 comments

Project Promoter: Colegiul Tehnic „George Baritiu”, Baia Mare

Project Code: 2021-EY-PCVET-0017

Partners: SC GOSERV SRL (RO) – Intercultural Association Mobility Friends (PT)

The project “Innovative Approaches in Workplace Learning,” undertaken by the Technical College “George Baritiu” (CTGB) in collaboration with the economic entity GO SERV SRL and the Intercultural Association Mobility Friends (Barcelos, Portugal), addresses the imperative to enhance the quality and applicability of vocational training for students in alignment with labor market demands and employer requirements, facilitating seamless integration of graduates into the workforce upon obtaining their professional training certification.

The specific objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. To foster new perspectives in managing the school-economic agent relationship, incorporating international dimensions.
  2. To train professionals responsible for students’ practical training in the field of Electronics automation with innovative approaches to workplace practice.

A 5-day study visit was conducted in Portugal, hosted by Escola Secundaria de Rocha Peixoto–Povoa de Varzim, Portugal. The CTGB delegation comprised 8 participants, including 6 VET teachers, the school director, 1 English teacher, and 3 representatives from GOSERV SRL (the manager and 2 practice tutors).

The knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired during the study visit were utilized for various purposes:

  • Revision of the 10th-grade Curriculum Development License (CDL) in the field of automation.
  • Compilation of a methodological guide applicable to modules in the “Computer Technician Operator” qualification for 11th and 12th grades.
  • Development of a plan outlining measures to enhance students’ learning outcomes during practical training at economic agents.
  • Revision of CTGB’s Institutional Development Plan (PDI).

The partnership adds significant value to the project by:

  • Strengthening the collaboration between the school and economic agents.
  • Enhancing the reputation of both the high school and the partner company within the community.
  • Implementing interdisciplinary teaching strategies by teachers and tutors to promote students’ professional development.

Project webpage