2018: The Teacher as a Change Agent – ISJ Călărași

Project Promoter: Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Călărași

Titlul proiectului: The Teacher as a Change Agent

ID: 2018-EY-PMIP – R1- 0024

General objective of the project: Developing techniques and working tools to change the mentality of the teaching and management staff in schools in Calarasi County.

Specific objectives:

  • Developing the skills of four experts in making changes in school teams by attending a 4-day course and a job shadowing day.
  • Improving the quality provided by creating a mechanism for making changes in 4 pilot schools through action at the level of directors, heads of methodical commissions and teachers
  • Developing the interest in change in the schools in the county by disseminating examples of good practice through methodical circles with directors and circles on disciplines in all schools in the county.


Newschool is an education design agency specialized in building & curating tools that foster collaboration and facilitate contemporary learning experiences.

Impact: It will be reflected in the new competencies that mobility experts will convey in the 4 selected piloting schools. There will be a democratic approach to learning, an attitude that will be gained through practice and specific tools.

Main results: 4 experts trained in change management and personalized work techniques. The team intends to increase the quality of education in 4 schools in the county, which will be measured by the quality of the curriculum design documents at each unit level (short term), the quality of the educational offer, the results of the national exams and the degree of parental satisfaction (medium term). At the same time, increasing children’s participation in extracurricular activities will be a measure of children’s satisfaction with school.


4 trained experts

– 21 inspectors trained in workshop activities – post-mobility debate

– 4 directors & 16 heads of methodical commissions from the pilot schools formed by the participants in the courses

– 24 teachers from pilot schools trained in workshops

– 1 brochure “Teacher, agent of change”.

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