2017: The EEA Mobility Project of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest

Project Promoter: The Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) 

Project Code: EY-MPO-0073

The Mobility Project implemented by the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) and the University of Iceland (UoI) brings together a group of students and staff to develop new research ideas and find solutions for their implementation. The focus is onis on a vibrant and family study / work environment, equality and professional development opportunities.

The success of the project is based on common values, systematic planning, performance reviews and shared viewpoints. Within this mobility project, we aim to connect teachers and students from both countries in a scientific and multi-cultural exchange, cooperate and build the basis of new academic and research associations.

The project expects to achieve mainly inter-cultural, academic and scientific exchange. It is a good opportunity to promote individual and shared values in both countries. Also, we aim to create a close bond by writing project proposals together and cooperating on an extended scale, in large research projects, in the future.

Students, teaching and technical staff from UPB and UoI will benefit from this project, they : will have the chance to learn and live new experiences and add a plus to their knowledge. The person will benefit from this project are bachelor students, master students, PhD students,  teachers  and technical staff members from UPB, Bachelor student, Master students, PhD student, teachers and technical staff members from UoI.

The University of Iceland will share skills and knowledge with University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, host students and staff, exchange experience and put the basis of new research projects and other cooperation activities.

Project webpage

Persoana contact: Adina Dumitru

Email: adina.dumitru@upb.ro